What Is Reality Shifting? 10 Ways To Quantum Jump & Achieve Your Dreams!

What Is Reality Shifting?

Have you heard? Lately, TikTok has been straight-up obsessed with reality shifting.

(I’m using the terms Reality Shift & Quantum Jump interchangeably FYI! The terminology doesn’t matter as much as the theory.)

Since I love all things manifestation and magic (and I know you do too!) I thought it was high time to put together this simple guide for you. Enjoy!

What Is Reality Shifting?

Reality shifting works on a quantum understanding of time.

Instead of thinking of time as linear (with a start and an end), think of time as layers on a cake. Everything really is happening at the same time, even though we can’t perceive of the other layers. However, this cake contains not only the other layers that you’ve already experienced (and will experience) in your life. It also contains layers with all other possible outcomes.

Remember this: there isn’t just one fixed future for you. The future you will live in is dependent on thousands of tiny decisions along the way. Life is a Choose Your Own Adventure journey and even the tiniest decision can create a big ripple later on in your life.

Think: accepting a friends’ invitation to a party and meeting your future husband. Etc.

So now that you understand time, it’s time to understand your own true divine nature. Most of us identify as this very solid human form we’re inhabiting with its soul and consciousness.

But let’s think about it this way: if you were driving down the road in a car, would you identify as the car? Or the driver?

It’s the same with this human form! You (the real you) is the consciousness, not the physical form. Instead of being limited by what you think is possible as a human, why not start driving (aka shifting) your human towards the outcomes you really want?

Reality shifting uses both of these ideas to help us manifest our goals and desires. You become the driver by choosing your desired reality (DR) and driving towards what you want.

The reality you desire isn’t as far away as you think! Using these tips you can start “driving” yourself where you want to go, starting right now.

Symptoms Of Reality Shifting

I already know that the Number One question I’ll get about this is: how do I know if it’s happening? Do you feel it in your body or something?

So yes, during your session you might notice physical symptoms such as:

  • Feeling tingly
  • Dizziness
  • You “hear” soft music or talking from your DR
  • Twitching
  • Numbness
  • Feeling like you’re floating
  • Seeing a bright light/white light
  • General heaviness or a heavy chest
  • The urge to rollover
  • Feeling detached from your body
  • Falling sensations

After Your Session:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dehydration
  • Things appearing from your DR (desired reality) script

* Lots of people would add angel numbers to this list but personally I believe people read way too much into angel numbers! So yes, they can be a sign, but not if you set an alarm for yourself every day at 11:11 (if you know what I mean!)

Before You Begin

Where are you shifting to? As with any journey, you need a destination in mind!

Write down a vision for the reality you want to call in. Get super descriptive with it so that you have lots to bring into your visualization.

This is called your Desired Reality (DR).

But for a quick and dirty approach, get super clear about one manifestation objective. (Calling in $1000, etc.)

Fuzzy goals = fuzzy results. Besides saying you want “love” or “money” without defining what those things really are is a cop-out to your own potential!

4 Rules To Reality Shift

1. Assume That It’s Happening

If you wake up and immediately think “It didn’t work!” you’re undoing all your work. Instead of assuming failure, start assuming success. (Or in other words, put The Law of Assumption to work!)

2. Look For Proof

Start chalking up even the tiniest shifts to your process. The more you concentrate on what is changing, the more you’ll notice! What you focus on always attracts so use your focus the right way.

3. Reaffirm What You Want No Matter What

Look: you probably won’t suddenly wake up with a million dollars in your bank account–and that’s okay! Start affirming what you want no matter what and keep pointing yourself towards your goal. Look at yourself as constantly progressing towards your goals and talk/think about them as if they’re on their way.

If you start focusing on lack, you’ll find yourself calling in more lack and limitation.

4. Try It Again!

It’s way more realistic to think of reality shifting as a baby step. You are choosing to follow the road to your desired reality, bit by bit, shift by shift. Don’t get discouraged. Try it again and keep opting into what you desire, instead of what you don’t.

10 Reality Shifting Techniques

Most of these methods work best if you’re laying down somewhere comfortably. (Doing it in bed right before you fall asleep is perfect!) You might also want to meditate for five or ten minutes first to calm down your brain and allow you to focus better on your visualization.

Reality Shifting Technique #1:

The Future Self

Imagine yourself as the version of you from your Desired Reality. (Who I like to call your Future Self!)

See them walking around, doing the things you want to do. You can even ask them questions if you like!

Once you feel ready to connect with your Desired Reality, imagine your current self merging with this other version of you.

Let yourself wake up from the visualization (or fall asleep as normal if you’re doing it before bed).

Reality Shifting Technique #2:

The Shower Method

This is an active visualization, which is perfect for those who don’t like laying down (or those who fall asleep too quickly).

The next time you get in the shower, simply start imagining yourself in your Desired Reality.

If you look different, imagine yourself in the shower now as that “new” version of you.

Get a really solid vision (or feeling) about what you want and when you’re ready, open the shower curtain or door and step into your DR.

Reality Shifting Technique #3:

The Raven Method

This is one of the most popular reality-shifting methods, according to TikTok! (I also have no idea why it’s called the Raven Method!)

You can do this one by listening to subliminals or spoken affirmations (that you either recorded yourself or ones you found on YouTube, for example).

Lay on your back in a starfish position.

Start slowly counting to 100. (Personally, I would count backward to help the brain calm down a little!)

Once you’ve finished, imagine your Desired Reality in as much detail as possible. If you have any affirmations (or are listening to them), say them out loud here for extra power.

Go to sleep and assume that you have woken up in your Desired Reality.

Reality Shifting Technique #4:

The Alice In Wonderland Method

I have always been obsessed with Alice In Wonderland so this quantum jumping technique holds a special place in my heart!

Visualize yourself sitting under a tree (like Alice at the beginning of the book!).

While you’re calmly sitting there, imagine the White Rabbit (or someone from your DR) running by you. Of course, you get up to chase it and end up falling down the rabbit hole along with them.

As you fall, imagine scenes from your DR floating by you. (Just like Alice!)

When you get to the bottom, you find a key on a table and a doorway.

Use the key to open the door and step through the door. Once through the doorway, you see your DR self lying in their bedroom. Imagine walking over and merging with that version of you so that you become one.

(You may fall asleep as normal after this!)

Reality Shifting Technique #5:

The Eleven Method

The Eleven Method is very similar to my Future Self Method.

Listen to white noise as you begin your visualization.

Lay down and put something over your eyes. (Eye mask, bandana etc.)

Imagine yourself in your DR. First, observe them from a distance as they go through the experiences that you desire.

After you’ve “watched” for a while, let yourself walk over to them and imagine the current version of you merging with your DR self.

Let yourself fall asleep as normal and assume you’ve woken up in your Desired Reality.

Reality Shifting Technique #6:

The Pillow Method

The Pillow Method is another non-visualization technique that many people have found success with.

To do it, write down your Desired Reality script or a list of affirmations/mantras that support that vision. Always do this by hand and let yourself really get into the vision you’re creating!

When it’s time to go to sleep, read your DR script/affirmations out loud. Then fold up the paper and place it under your pillow while you sleep.

Again, when you wake up starting assuming that you’re already in your Desired Reality.

You can also listen to subliminals or affirmations as you drift off or even pair this method with other sleeping methods.

Reality Shifting Technique #7:

The Staircase Method

Imagine yourself climbing a long set of stairs towards your Desired Reality.

As you climb, see yourself in various settings from your DR (like the staircase is in the middle of a huge movie screen). You can repeat affirmations as you go!

Imagine that there’s a bright light at the top of the staircase. As you get closer to the light, imagine yourself getting closer and closer to your reality.

When you get there imagine opening a door and stepping through into your DR.

Reality Shifting Technique #8:

The Elevator Method

Imagine yourself getting on a clear glass elevator that will take you to your Desired Reality.

Get on board and as the elevator slowly begins its ascent, imagine scenes from your DR playing out around you. (Again, it’s like you’re in a giant magic movie screen!)

As you go higher and higher, imagine the scenes becoming more vivid and feeling them more and more in your body.

Once you feel ready to shift, imagine the doors of the elevator opening and stepping off into your Desired Reality.

You may wake up here or if you’re doing it at night, fall asleep as normal.

Reality Shifting Technique #9:

The Train Method

Imagine yourself boarding a train and heading straight towards your DR.

Sit down and take a look out the window. Imagine scenes from your DR playing out while you travel through them.

(You can also listen to or repeat affirmations as you go to help this along!)

Finally, imagine arriving at your final destination, which of course is your Desired Reality. When you feel like you’ve arrived, exit the train into your new reality by opening your eyes and letting yourself “wake up”.

Reality Shifting Technique #10:

The Non Sleeping Method

Put on some theta waves. (Always use headphones with binaural beats or you won’t get the correct effect!)

Start counting to 100 (or down from 100, as is my preference).

Then start to say identity affirmations (“I have $10k in my bank account”, “I am getting on a plane to Thailand.” etc.)

After you start to feel like you’re there (or when you notice shifting symptoms) open your eyes to awake into your DR (or let yourself fall asleep as normal and wake up in the DR in the morning).

So tell me: what did you think? Have you tried Reality Shifting before? Which technique are you going to try out first?

I’d love to hear your experiences with it so remember to come back and share! And happy reality shifting!

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

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What Is Reality Shifting? 10 Ways To Quantum Jump & Achieve Your Dreams!


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