Personal Alchemy: The Power To Change Yourself

Personal Alchemy: The Power To Change Yourself

Looking for the power to change your yourself? You need a little personal alchemy.

Despite outward appearances, the world as we experience it is not fixed. It’s a mirror of what’s inside us. We construct what we see around us inside our own head.

And that includes our perception of ourselves.

The things we think are true about ourselves are often little more than fantasy. The words that described you at age eight of fifteen (or twenty five) probably don’t apply to you now. But you’re living your life as if they do.

We’re all in constant flux, we’re all evolving at every moment. But more importantly, we’re all choosing our identity at every moment.

And if you’re using those old descriptions, you’re limiting what actually could be.

What Is Personal Alchemy?

Personal alchemy is the art of using your inner world to change your outer world.

It all begins with your beliefs.

The words you use to describe your personality are just a construct that you designed. They’re only true if you believe in them.

And you don’t have to believe in them any longer.

If you want to change who you are, it’s as easy as choosing a new belief.

Because the words you use to describe yourself — even the quiet ones you think inside your own head — are limiting you.

You’ve grown up thinking that you were shy or un-athletic or not good at (fill-in-the-blank).

Your beliefs are only what makes you those things. You think you’re not good so you don’t even try. Or you excuse yourself from changing your behavior. (Because that’s just the way it is.) You’ve been living your life by those unseen rules for so long it’s difficult to tell the difference between truth and reality.

Yet how much of what you believe about yourself isn’t even empirically true? You’ve changed and grown over time but have those descriptions?

Stop Limiting Yourself

The words we use to define ourselves are useful only to a certain point. We tend to use them out of sheer laziness. We’ve been taught to put ourselves into a box (because if we’re not in one box we’re in another).

Those words can become damaging because we start to believe in them rather than in ourselves. We trust in those little labels more than in our own capabilities. We believe in those words more than in our own will, our own strength, and in the strength of the Universe. We identify with the classification, we believe the diagnosis. We believe the stories and we live our lives as if it were all true.

Except that it’s not.

Whether you realize it or not, you’re choosing who you want to be in every single moment. In reality you have the power to make a new decision in every single moment you’re here.

You always have a choice.

If you don’t like the label attached to you (whether you got it from TV, your family or your psychiatrist) you get to pick a new one. Right here, right now, go.

You must free yourself from the limitations in your own head in order to be truly be free.

All words are spells but they’re not always good ones. Be careful what you choose to believe about yourself. It’s up to you to design yourself.

You get to change your story anytime you like!

Think yourself free.

Decide that you want to be funnier, more outgoing or happier and then become it.

You can feel confident, you can learn new things, you can do anything if you allow yourself to believe it.
You don’t have to believe the story you’ve been telling yourself.

You are strong, you are divine and you have the power to change yourself to be whatever or whoever you want in this life.

So get excited! And choose wisely.

I hope you’ve found this piece inspiring! This article was heavily inspired by this piece on NPR so go check it out if you want to read more. And if you did find it useful, please remember to help me out by pinning or sharing it.

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

PS Looking for more? You might also want to check out this post about Surviving And Thriving After A Break-Up or this one about manifest using your home.

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Personal Alchemy: The Power To Change Yourself


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