How To Make Friends As An Adult
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Video: How To Make Friends As An Adult

How to Make Friends as an Adult: Simple and Effective Strategies

Today’s topic is particularly close to my heart. As a life coach and Law of Attraction teacher, I usually focus on manifesting and creating the best life possible. However, I often get asked about how to make friends as an adult. Having moved from Vancouver to Berlin and successfully built a network of amazing friends, I want to share with you my top tips on this subject.

Tip 1: Change Your Mindset

The Power of Positive Thinking

The first and most crucial step is to shift your mindset. Your attitude towards making friends might be a limiting belief!

Telling yourself that making friends as an adult is hard will only make it so. Instead, embrace the idea that it’s entirely possible and not as difficult as it seems. By changing your mindset, you open yourself up to new possibilities and connections.

Tip 2: Consistency is Key

Finding Your ‘Regular’ Spot

When I moved to Berlin, I frequently visited a bar owned by a friend of a friend, and that’s where I met most of my current friends. You don’t necessarily need to go to a bar; it can be a cafe, gym, or any other place you enjoy. The trick is to show up consistently. Regular visits create familiarity, making it easier to start conversations and gradually build friendships.

Tip 3: Master the Art of Listening

Focus on Others

Often, we worry too much about being interesting or entertaining when trying to make new friends. However, the secret lies in being genuinely interested in other people. Ask questions, listen actively, and show that you value their stories and opinions. By doing so, you not only make the other person feel seen and heard, but you also establish yourself as a thoughtful and attentive friend.

How To Make Friends As An Adult | Final Notes

Making friends as an adult doesn’t have to be daunting. By adjusting your mindset, being consistent in your social outings, and focusing on listening and learning about others, you can form meaningful connections. Remember, everyone has a story to share, and sometimes, all it takes is a willing listener to start a beautiful friendship. If you found these tips helpful, please give this video a like and subscribe for more. Stay tuned for more insights into my life as an expat and other helpful topics. Until next time, embrace life’s miracles. Namaste.

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

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How To Make Friends As An Adult


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