woman doing a partial yoga backbend with text How to Create a Powerful Healing Retreat Weekend at Home

How to Create a Powerful Healing Retreat Weekend at Home

Think you need to spend a lot of money to have a proper healing retreat weekend at home? Think again babydoll!

If the idea of a retreat weekend lights you up, then why not just go for it? Honestly, it’s not difficult to do at all. It just requires a little pre-planning and scheduling magic.

I mean, we are always so eager to buy ourselves a new lipstick or pair of shoes (my personal weaknesses FYI). But spending more money and time on our mental health is somehow never quite as attractive.

However, the inner peace you can create from a weekend spent working on yourself will last a lot longer than that lipstick ever will.

While this is truly something you can do for yourself at any time of the year, the end of the year/beginning of the year seems like an extra-good time to tap into yourself. After all, it’s dark and cold. Our nature is to want to hibernate so why not hibernate while doing something good for you?

Please take these suggestions as a jumping-off point. This is a great time to get creative and design your weekend your way.

How to Create a Powerful Healing Retreat Weekend at Home

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #1: Set Your Intention

Healing is a life-long journey so don’t try to heal EVERYTHING in just a few days. Pick a point of focus: what’s bothering you? What are you struggling with? What area do you feel like you need to look at?

This might change as you begin to actually do the work but you should start with one singular focus anyway. Picking more than one is just too much work.

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #2: Prepare Your Space

Our goal is to minimize distractions as much as possible. So take stock of what you need to get through this: food. Clean bed sheets. A new journal? If you plan to put your phone on airplane mode, then give a heads-up to your nearest and dearest. (You don’t have to shut yourself out from the rest of the world but it’s a good point to consider, especially if you’re easily distracted by your phone.)

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #3: Structure Your Day

Give your days a different feel than the same-ol’ same-ol’. Perhaps start the day with a nice long bath and chill-out music. Or maybe you’re more called to go for a solo walk while listening to binaural beats or subliminals. Just don’t get sucked into your normal morning routine of checking social media or the news and letting that define how you feel! (I’m definitely guilty of this one.)

I like to do set meal times & bedtimes but of course, this is all up to you. What feels spa-like and relaxing? What feels supportive and indulgent? Make a point of creating your days for you.

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #4: Start Journaling

Begin by writing down your healing intention, as a way to commit to your journey. Whether you’re planning to do some hypnosis work or deep meditation, journaling is an essential part of any healing weekend. Think about your area of focus and start writing on anything that comes to mind that might be related to it. Often we can’t see just how “big” the problem is because we’re so used to minimizing all that trauma. Writing it down will let you “see” it again (and have more compassion for yourself).

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #5: Physical Care

Great food and some gentle movement are essential for healing. This is just not the time for Cheetos, ice cream, and Netflix! Emotional healing can be intense so you need to support yourself with healthy food.

Similarly, movement is also key here. No, that doesn’t mean you have to take up running or do some crazy tough workouts. Stretching, yoga, and walking are all great tools plus they help to loosen up and heal any trauma stored in the body.

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #6: Write Your Inner Child A Letter

Whatever you might be healing this weekend, might I suggest writing your Wounded Inner Child a letter? Inner Child work is almost always relevant and the simple act of writing a letter will make that piece of your mind feel supported and loved.

Trust your inner guidance about which moment to look back at and then write from your soul. What would little you want from you or need to hear? Take the time to

(If you like this idea, there’s a whole module on Inner Child healing inside my Recode monthly membership!)

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #7: Bilateral Stimulation

My top-tier favorite tool for healing is bilateral stimulation (a modified EMDR practice). This really helps you to work through any stubborn old bock or hurt.

I teach you specifically how to do this in my Manifestation Block workshop inside of Recode. But you can also find EMDR videos on YouTube and try it out for yourself.

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #8: Practice Mindfulness

It’s hard to process your emotions when your energy and attention is always pushed outward. Mindfulness allows you to truly connect and be present in the moment. It also allows plenty of mental space for your Higher Self to send you messages or pings.

I know that when you’re looking for an answer it’s easy to start googling random things or watching endless YouTube videos on the topic. But more often than not, simply slowing down and creating inner quiet allows the answers inside of us to rise to the surface.

Healing Retreat Weekend at Home Tip #9: Gratitude

Whatever you happen to decide on for your weekend retreat, take a moment to be grateful: for your life (even if it’s not perfect), for yourself, and for showing up and doing the work. When you’re focused on what you need to “fix” it becomes all the more important to remember what you already have. Journal on this or just set a timer for five minutes and bask in the attitude of gratitude.

So tell me: are you excited to create a healing weekend retreat for yourself? Which ideas do you want to incorporate first?

Yes, healing can feel like work at times but it can also be truly refreshing and transformational. Who needs another night out at the bar honestly? There’s plenty of time for your usual activities. Why not spend a little extra time focused on yourself?

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

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woman doing a partial yoga backbend with text How to Create a Powerful Healing Retreat Weekend at Home


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