Drop This Habit For A Happy & Successful New Year

Video: Drop This Habit For More Happiness & Success

Drop This Habit for More Happiness: Changing the Habit of Being You

Embracing Change for a Spectacular New Year

Today, I’m sharing an unconventional yet crucial habit you should let go of as we step into this new year and decade: the habit of being you. If you’re serious about making significant changes this year, stay tuned for my insights on why and how to break this habit.

Understanding the Habit of Being You

It may sound strange to consider “being you” as a habit, but it is. We have around 70,000 thoughts daily, with 90% being repetitive. These habitual thoughts shape our personality, actions, and ultimately our life. If you’re not where you want to be, it’s time to examine these thoughts.

The Role of Thoughts in Manifestation

Your current life is a result of your past thoughts, actions, and beliefs. To create a different outcome, you must start with new thoughts. This approach aligns with mindset and manifestation principles, emphasizing the need for conscious thought selection.

Personality as a Set of Habits

Your personality isn’t fixed; it’s a collection of mental habits. The idea, inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza, is that your personality creates your personal reality. To change your reality, you must first change your personality – essentially, the habitual thoughts you entertain.

Shifting from Old to New Thoughts

Breaking the habit of being you involves adopting new thoughts that support your desired reality. It’s about challenging and changing deeply ingrained beliefs that might be holding you back. Remember, you have the power to choose your beliefs.

The Power of Conscious Creation

As conscious creators, we have the ability to decide what works for us and what doesn’t. This realization empowers you to change your thoughts and, consequently, your life. It’s a matter of choosing to believe in possibilities rather than being confined by past experiences.

My Personal Journey

Personally, I’ve been on this journey of self-transformation, constantly challenging and changing my thoughts. It’s about being open to the many possibilities of reality and expanding your consciousness beyond the familiar.

The Invitation to a New Decade

As we embark on this new decade, I encourage you to challenge yourself. Explore who you can be and what your life can look like by adopting new beliefs. Don’t be confined by the ‘habit of being you.’

Join My Community for More Insights

If you’re inspired to start thinking about yourself in a new way, I invite you to join my community for more resources. Visit my website for freebies and subscribe to my channel for regular updates on mindset and manifestation.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for watching! Remember, you have the power to change your thoughts and create a new reality. Let this new decade be a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Stay tuned for more videos, and as always, get ready for the miracle!

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

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