3 Kinds Of Fear & The Law Of Attraction: What To Look Out For

Video: 3 Kinds Of Fear & The Law of Attraction

Overcoming Fear: 3 Types That Hinder Manifestation

When it comes to personal development and the art of manifesting, understanding and overcoming fear is crucial. Fear, often disguised as various emotions or rational thoughts, can significantly impede our progress towards achieving our dreams. In this blog, we delve into three specific types of fears that you should be mindful of on your journey to manifesting success.

1. Fear of Failure

The fear that “it might not work out” is common when setting goals or embarking on new ventures. This fear often masquerades as rational thinking or logic but, in reality, it holds us back from stepping out of our comfort zone. Your dreams are sacred and not pursuing them can lead to a life of regret. Remember, every dream pursued is a step towards self-discovery, even if it doesn’t turn out as planned. Embrace the journey and the lessons it brings, rather than succumbing to the fear of failure.

2. Fear of Doing It Wrong

Many people are haunted by the fear that they are not manifesting “correctly.” This fear stems from the misconception that manifesting is all about maintaining a constant state of positivity. While positive thinking is beneficial, it’s important to understand that experiencing a range of emotions is natural and human. You don’t need to maintain a perfect track record of positivity for successful manifestation. Instead, focus on mastering your mind and actions. Allow yourself to experience life fully, without the added pressure of performing manifesting rituals flawlessly.

3. Fear of Success

Surprisingly, the fear that “it will actually work out” can be the most daunting. Every achievement brings its own set of challenges and changes. Without addressing this fear, your subconscious might sabotage your path to success to avoid these new challenges. It’s essential to shine a light on these fears and understand the changes that success will bring. Embracing growth and stepping into a new version of yourself can be scary, but it’s a necessary part of manifesting your desires. Remember Marianne Williamson’s words, “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Embrace your power and potential for transformation.


Recognizing and addressing these three kinds of fears is pivotal in your journey towards manifestation. Whether it’s the fear of failure, doing it wrong, or success, understanding their impact can liberate you from subconscious blocks. Remember, manifesting is not about perfection; it’s about growth, learning, and evolving into your best self. Embrace your journey with all its fears and hurdles, and continue to manifest like a true champion.

Are you ready to tackle these fears head-on? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. For more resources on overcoming fear, don’t forget to visit our website and download our free fear-busting worksheet. Stay empowered, and remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a step towards manifesting your dreams.

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

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3 Kinds Of Fear & The Law Of Attraction: What To Look Out For


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