Feng Shui 101: How To Use The Bagua Map

Feng Shui 101: The Bagua Map

If you’re new to conscious design, perhaps you’ve heard of the Feng Shui Bagua Map.

I’m not a Feng Shui expert–nor do I pretend to be! But I do refer back to this ancient Chinese practice regularly for my work when it comes to conscious design.

To me, it just all makes sense. Feng Shui basically looks at your home (and life) as an eco-system, just as I do. When one area is unbalanced it can spread out and create bigger problems.

Let’s start this new series by learning about the best tool for any certified or amateur Feng Shui practitioner. The Feng Shui Bagua map basically shows you where the 9 basic areas of your home are located so that you can look out for problems and create better systems.

The Bagua Map

Feng Shui Bagua Map

To use the Bagua map, stand in your front door way (or just imagine you’re standing there) and place the map over your space. If you don’t have an entire home to yourself, then use the map for the space you do have control over (if that’s your bedroom, then just stand in the bedroom door).

Now that you can see where each zone is, take a look at what is actually being kept in that zone within your home.

As you look at your Love & Relationships zone or your Money zone what sorts of items you notice? Are there things being stored here that could be better stored elsewhere or maybe even swapped with something else? We’ll get into more specific Feng Shui examples of good items to include in each zone in future posts but for now, just go with your intuition. (Hint: clutter is never good!)

Remember that it’s also important to create a balance between each Gua. That means you can’t just concentrate on the money zone and ignore everything else! Although each zone is important individually, they are each an important part of the larger picture.

Hope you have fun with this exercise! As always, I welcome any comments or questions.

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

PS Looking for more? You might also want to check out this post about the feedback loop or this one about feng shui tips for the bedroom.

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Feng Shui Bagua Map


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