The Ayurvedic Home: Design For Your Dosha

The Ayurvedic Home: Design For Your Dosha

Ayurveda is something I hold pretty near and dear to my heart. As an intuitive designer, I am always looking for new ways to create the healthiest environment for you. Most Ayurvedic work is done through food and physical practice but the same principles can easily be applied to your home.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda (the “science or knowledge of life”) began about 5000 ago when Indian monks began to look for new ways to be healthy. Ayurveda involves a high sense of reverence for the body, as a healthy body was thought to help with meditation and overall spiritual development – the true beginning of the mind body connection.

Ayurveda revolves around the idea that everyone can be categorized into one of three doshas. Each dosha has its own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding your dosha leads to a more healthy and balanced existence. An out of balance dosha results in health problems as well as psychological issues. Prevention is always key; in Ayurveda food and lifestyle are the medicine.

Dosha Types

Determining Your Dosha

There are loads of great Ayurvedic tests you can take online (for free) that will help you determine your dosha. Since there are a lot of determining factors at play in determining a dosha, try taking a few different tests in order to get a more accurate picture. It’s also good to note that doshas can change over time so even if you think you know your dosha it won’t hurt to check in again.

Design For Your Dosha

Design For Your Dosha Type #1:


Kapha is a combination of water and earth elements. In the physical body, Kaphas will experience issues related to their muscles, skin, nails and skeleton (earth) as well as with saliva, plasma and mucus (water).

Physical Characteristics: Strong with a sturdy build. Soft hair and skin and a low voice. Very energetic and great endurance. Averse to cold damp weather.

Psychological Characteristics: Reliable. Slow to learn but excellent memory. Prone to depression. Stable.

Kaphas are extremely loving, loyal and forgiving but when this dosha tends towards jealousy, greed and stubbornness when out of balance.

Kapha Design Diagnosis:

Kaphas need to fight their tendency towards sluggishness and depression. A warm stimulating environment to help fight off their lethargic tendencies. Fiery vibrant colors like red and orange are particularly good choices. Accessorize with warm accessories like bright flowers, wool blankets and gold or copper metal accents. Kaphas should avoid subdued colors or all-neutral palettes. They are far too draining for their energy.

Design For Your Dosha Type #2:


Pitta is a combination of fire and water. Water is responsible for plasma, blood, sweat and saliva while Fire relates to appetite, digestion and metabolism.

Physical Characteristics: Medium build. Strong appetite. Tends to have fair or reddish complexions, freckles and sunburns easily. Averse to heat.

Psychological Characteristics: Smart. Great concentration. Assertive and confident. Competitive. Passionate. Natural leaders.

Pittas are generally content, courageous and ambitious. However, an unbalanced dosha will show up with pride and anger (and physically as ulcers).

Pitta Design Diagnosis:

Fiery Pittas need to balance out the heat that arises from being overworked or overtired. Cool soothing colors like blue and green help to calm and relax. Pick lightweight sheets for the bed, lots of green plants and silver accents. Open-plan environments and luxurious touches are also wonderful for Pittas.

Avoid warm colors.

Design For Your Dosha Type #3:


Vata is a combination of Ether and Air. Air corresponds to all types of physical movement including the breath while Ether relates to our mental state and emotions.

Physical Characteristics: Slender and tall. Fast-walking. Cold extremities. Dry skin and hair.

Psychological Characteristics: Excitable. Fun-loving. Moody. Tires easily. Energetic in short bursts.

Vatas are very flexible and creative people with vitality when they are in balance, but when they are not they tend towards fear, racing thoughts and anxiety.

Vata Design Diagnosis:

It’s important for Vatas to regular their schedule with regular eating and sleeping times so pay particular attention to the bedroom. As for color think sea, sky and sand; basically any color that can be found in nature is a good choice for Vatas. Vatas need lots of warmth so pile up the bed with cozy blankets, pillows and even an hot water bottle. Vatas can also be sensitive to light so consider installing dimmer switches.

Avoid bright tones like red.

I hope you enjoyed this little guide to design for you dosha! Please share the post if you enjoyed it.

<Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

PS Looking for more? You might also want to check out this post about how to liberate your desire or this one about 7 spiritual things we can do for the world right now.

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The Ayurvedic Home: Design For Your Dosha


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  1. Any suggestions for balancing designs for a pitta-kapha couple sharing space?

    1. Hi Mary! Go for a balance of warm and cool tones that are supportive to both of you. Perhaps a cool-toned bathroom/bedroom and a warm-toned living area? Good luck!

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