3 Games To Raise Your Money Having-ness Levels!

Video: 3 Games To Raise Your Money Havingness Levels!

Want to raise your money havingness levels?

Havingness = the level of having that you’re currently at (aka your current reality)

This level is dictated by many things. Yes, socioeconomic factors are part of it. But so are low-worth money beliefs and negative limiting beliefs in general.

If you want to change your money havingness (aka manifest money!) then you have to raise the level of money that you’re currently comfortable with.

That sounds like it’s obvious. But actually, many people secretly self-sabotage their own money manifestations. While their conscious mind wants to attract abundance, their subconscious mind is actually terrified: of what people will think, of working harder, of having to “take care” of money, etc.

When you have a secret fear of money, it’s impossible to manifest more. (Or raise your havingness levels.)

You must start to work on your subconscious mind in order to change the way you feel about money.

One way to change that is to start to change your energy around money–and that’s why today I’m sharing 3 money games you can play now to raise your money having-ness levels!

Games are a great way to do this because they’re playful. They don’t feel as serious as many of our other subconscious reprogramming tools.

However, you can still have big Aha! Moments and inner revelations while doing them.

If you’re ready to raise your money havingness levels, be sure to watch & try them out!

Jenn Stevens The Aligned Life

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3 Games To Raise Your Money Having-ness Levels!


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